Eleventy Recipes Wordmark

Eleventy Recipes

Create a collection

By Jon Thomas

Collections allow you to create a single data set out of multiple pieces of data, and loop over them so you can output them them in different ways. A common use for collections might be to display a list of blog posts. The Eleventy documentation goes into great detail on collections, so let's just look at the most basic way you can create your first collection.



  1. Create a new directory in your _src folder to contain multiple entries. For this example, we'll call it posts.
  2. Create a few entries. For this example, let's assume we're writing blog post entries using Markdown. We'll create three basic entries called my-first-post.md, my-second-post.md and my-third-post.md.
  1. Add some front matter each file. For now, we'll just specify a layout, title and a tag. Tags are the easiest way to establish a collection of related data.

Here's how my-first-post.md looks.

layout: base
title: My First Post
tags: general

Hello from {{ title }}!
  1. By simply adding a tag to each entry, you have established your first named collection. You can now output it by using a loop, and by referencing tag you added to each file.
## My posts

{%- for post in collections.general %}
* [{{ post.data.title }}]({{ post.url }})
{%- endfor %}

The above code will output the following HTML:

<h2>My posts</h2>

<li><a href="/posts/my-first-post.md">My First Post</a></li>
<li><a href="/posts/my-second-post.md">My Second Post</a></li>
<li><a href="/posts/my-third-post.md">My Third Post</a></li>
  1. Once you create your first collection, there are several ways you can manipulate it:

